Lake Arrowhead Mountain History Museum is a local must-see when you visit the Lake Arrowhead communities.
Visit The Lake Arrowhead Mountain History Museum to learn more about the history of Lake Arrowhead and the surrounding mountain communities. The Rim of the World Historical Society has been working hard to create new historical displays to add to the popular current ones. The new central display features a history tribute to firefighters, and another one highlights Native American artifacts and photos/images from the Serrano and Cahuilla tribes.
Get all of the Lake Arrowhead history, and the facts of the construction of the man-made lake now called Lake Arrowhead. You’ll discover the colorful saga of the land where Yuhaviatam Indians began life on earth, and where the mighty grizzly once roamed. Learn how the bustling saw mills turned out massive beams for millionaires’ castles, and where famous movie stars once reveled in their palatial lodges.
